Environmental management

ISO 14001 - certified by TÜV Süd since 2014

There is only one earth and LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH has set itself the goal of doing its part to preserve it. We have been continuously improving our DIN EN ISO 14001-certified environmental management system since 2014, with the aim of minimizing negative effects on the environment and complying with applicable standards and laws.

Iso 14001 2015 Certificate En Gueltig Bis 10.06.2026

We fulfill all requirements

Environmental protection

We want to minimize the impact on the environment at our company site and at all locations where the energy we consume is generated, our raw materials are extracted or our products are used, recycled or disposed of.

Environmental goals

In order to evaluate the success of our environmental management system, we define measurable environmental targets and continuously monitor their achievement.

Continuous improvement

Through internal and external audits, we are constantly trying to identify and exploit new potential for improvement.


Our approach does not begin and end with the company premises. We strive to pursue a sustainable approach throughout the entire product life cycle.

Environmental management results

Efficient use of resources

Efficient machine utilization and optimized use of materials reduce costs and protect the environment.

Optimized packaging

Use of reusable packaging or packaging made from recycled or recyclable materials

Recyclable products/assemblies

Already during the development of new products, attention is paid to achieving a high level of recyclability for individual parts and assemblies.

Waste management

Unavoidable waste is separated by type and disposed of by specialist companies.

Less hazardous substances

Reduction in the number of different hazardous substances through regular assessments of their substitutability.


Conformity with applicable standards and laws, as well as continuous monitoring of their change status.

Your contact person

Marc Baumbach