W3+ in Jena: an optics & photonics class reunoin

People in the industry know each other – as the last two days have impressively demonstrated.

Despite the uncertain current situation and many unanswered questions, the intensive willingness of all the companies represented to co-operate is palpable.

New problems are arising and, in turn, innovative approaches to solutions. In particular, the many inquisitive questions from the trainees and students on site reinforce the impression that our industry bears a great deal of responsibility.

We are delighted about this regional exchange opportunity and would like to express our thanks to OptoNet e.V. and EPIC – EUROPEAN PHOTONICS INDUSTRY CONSORTIUM.

W3+ Fair Jena | 25. + 26. September 2024 (w3-fair.com)

1000035189 1
1000035194 Scaled
1000035049 Scaled
1000035047 Scaled
1000035051 Scaled

Florian Hoffmann

Florian Hoffmann

Sales & Marketing